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Are you tired of paying high-cost premiums for your car insurance? Well, this article will help you get the best possible rates and coverage options to fit your needs and budget. Car insurance is necessary to protect you financially, even if you only have basic liability insurance or full coverage. How Much Does Car Insurance Cost?
Car insurance costs vary for every person, depending on where they live, the insurance company, and the type of coverage they need, as well as the car you drive. But it is helpful to know how much the typical driver would pay. According to NerdWallet’s 2021 rate analysis, the average cost of car insurance is $1,593 per year, about $133 per month. Ways to Reduce Costs Ask for Higher Deductibles Before your insurance policy is enabled, you pay deductibles. Asking for higher deductible payments could reduce your coverage substantially. Be sure that you have enough cash on-hand to set aside before choosing a higher deductible to pay for any future claims. Multi-Car Discounts Receiving a car insurance company quote to insure one vehicle might leave you with a higher quote per vehicle than inquiring about insuring several cars or drivers with that company. In most cases, they would be eager to offer you a bulk rate discount. Ask your insurance agent if you fit the qualifications. Generally speaking, multiple drivers must be related by blood or by marriage and live in one house. Two unrelated people might be able to get a discount. However, the vehicle must be under joint ownership. Conclusion These tips will make a big difference to your auto insurance plan once you put them into action. If you can’t decide, you can always ask for advice from your insurance agent. And when asking for higher deductibles, this could potentially reduce your coverage cost by 15 percent or more. At Best Insurance Group, LLC, we do our best to ensure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. We make sure to go the extra mile to help you with your needs. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (970) 674-5000 or Click Here to request a free quote.
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